January 29, 2022 The presence of God
As always, I thank Jesus for a goodnight, for a New Day to love, forgive and ask for forgiveness. I chased out the tumult from the outside world and listened to the soft and loving voice of Jesus. Dear Lord, I am listening. Beloved child, Today, I will teach you about the Presence of God . Genesis teaches that God created the universe and everything around you. One night when there are no clouds, go up to the mountains and look up at the skies, you will see a multitude of galaxies and stars. In that vast universe, billions and billions of stars gravitate around. Each star has its own orbit and gravitates with an amazing speed, and you hear very rarely they hit each other. I will give you an example. You live close to the City of Orlando, Florida, when you drive, you need to follow the driving code to keep you safe on the road. The code of conduct was written by the Department of Motor and Vehicles. You go when the light is gre