January 29, 2022 The presence of God

           As always, I thank Jesus for a goodnight, for a New Day to love, forgive and ask for forgiveness.


          I chased out the tumult from the outside world and listened to the soft and loving voice of Jesus.

Dear Lord, I am listening.


          Beloved child,


         Today, I will teach you about the Presence of God .


          Genesis teaches that God created the universe and everything around you. One night when there are no clouds, go up to the mountains and look up at the skies, you will see a multitude of galaxies and stars. In that vast universe, billions and billions of stars  gravitate around. Each star has its own orbit and gravitates with an amazing speed, and you hear very rarely they hit each other.

I will give you an example. You live close to the City of Orlando, Florida, when you drive, you need to follow the driving code to keep you safe on the road. The code of conduct was written by the Department of Motor and Vehicles. You go when the light is green , be cautious when the light is yellow , and stop when it turns red. And how and when to turn right and left safely. ..

Billions of stars around you must do the same. Who wrote the driving conduct for them, if not a Super intelligent and omnipotent spirit?

Can you imagine what would happen if all these galaxies and stars didn’t follow the code of conduct?

That will be chaos and this universe will tumble  and destroy itself.


          Hearing You teach me this, I remind myself of thousands and thousands of Scientists throughout human history who believed in God, among them in the fields of biological and biomedical sciences, in Chemistry, in Physics and astronomy, in earth sciences, in Engineering…

Just the few very renowned ones:


The most recent were:

1 Albert Einstein ( 1879-1955)

One of his quote on the topic of God:

"I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details."

2. Arthur Compton(1892-1962), American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1927 for the discovery of Compton effect, which demonstrated the particle nature of electromagnetic radiation.  

3. Blaise Pascal (1632-1662)], French matematician, physicist, inventor, philosopher, a child prodige.

4. Ernest Haeckel (1834-1919), German zoologist, philosopher, physician.

5. Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961), Nobel Prize-winning Austrian physicist.

6. Francis Bacon (1561-1627), English philosopher.

7. Francis Collins (Born 1950), American physician geneticist who discovered the genes associated with a number of diseases and led to the Human Genome Project, former Director of NIH in Bethesda.

8. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), "father" of observational astronomy, modern physics, the scientific method, and modern science.

9. Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716), mathematician, philosopher, scientist. 

10. Gregor Mendel (1822-1884), mathematician, biologist

11. Guglielmo Marconi(1874-1937), Italian inventor and electrical engineer, known for his creation of a practical radio wave-based wireless telegraph system. 

11, Isaac Newton (1642-1727), English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, recognized as one of the greatest mathematicians and physicists of all times.  

12. James Clerk Maxwell( 1831-1879), Scottish mathematician and scientist responsible  for the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation. 

13. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), German astronomer, mathematician, best known for  his laws of planetary motion.

14. John Eccles (1903-1997), neurophysiologist and philosopher who won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology in Medicine for his work on synapse.

15. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination and pasteurization. 

16. Max Planck (1858-1947), German physicist whose discovery of energy quanta won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.

17. Michael Faraday (1791-1867), English scientist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.

18. Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543), mathematician, astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that places the sun rather than Earth as its center.

19. Rene Descartes (1596-1650),French philosopher, mathematician and scientist who invented analytic geometry. 

20. Robert Boyle (1791-1867), philosopher, chemist, physicist and inventor, regarded as the first modern chemist, founder of modern chemistry.

21. Robert Millikan (1868-1953), American physicist, won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1923 for measurement of the elementary electric charge. 

22. Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), German physicist and one of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics.

23. William Harvey (1578-1657), physician who made influential contributions in anatomy and physiology. 

24. William Thomson Kelvin (1824-1907), mathematician, physicist.


          Dear Jesus, thank you so much for this beautiful lesson. I will forward it to my friends.







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