April 26, 2022 Be perfect as Your Father in Heaven is perfect

“As always I say thank you to Jesus for a goodnight and a New Day to love and to forgive.


I chased away the world’s tumult and listened to the soft and loving voice of Jesus.


Dear Lord, one question is still on my mind. I would like to ask you whether all humankind is the children of God the Almighty?



First hand, you must know that Our Father had created human beings. All of them were his creatures and He had called them His children.

 He created them in His likeness and gave them a very precious gift, the gift of freedom of choice, to know the good and bad.

But on this earth a number of them choose the wrong way and abandon Him and become the children of darkness.

To become the children of God, they need to obey His two commandments:

” Love God and love one another”.

 And to have all the fruits of the Spirit:

“ Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness , Gentleness, Self-control and Forgiveness”.

Remember that :” I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you really knew Me, you would know My Father as well. 

To become His children you need to learn after Me.  I am meek and lowly. Learn after Me because I am humble and gentle at heart.

I am your God, your Master , your Counselor  and your Great Friend and I am still humble and gentle. Chase away your pride. Who are you that you are so proud of?

“Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect”.

Each day , step by step, learn to love as I do love you, learn to serve as I do serve you , and each day you come closer to the child I want you to be. Then you will see your life will change to the better, you will have more Joy and my Peace will stay with you.


Dear Lord, thank you so much for this beautiful lesson, I will share it with my friends.







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