July 11, 2022 Follow Me: Love and Serve

“As always I say thank you to Jesus for a goodnight and a New Day to love.


I chased away all the world’s tumult and listened to the soft and loving voice of Jesus.


My dear Lord,

 Saint Paul’s letter to  his followers, the Colossians quoted:” Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.". Please help me to achieve what Paul tells us.



Remember I love you and your friends who listen to My Voice.

 I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD, and My sheep know My Voice and follow Me.

Repeat in the deep of your soul in the early morning, and the minute before you fall asleep each night :” Jesus loves me, I am His Beloved, there is nothing else I shall want, and I am safe in His good hands”. That’s the truth.

When you are loved by Me, remember to change everything in you, your thoughts , sayings and actions.

You are now a New You. Shake  off your old clothes and put on the new garments I give you, the robe of righteousness, of mercy, of kindness, of humility, of gentleness and of patience.

Follow Me: Love and Serve. If I am your God, Your Teacher and Your Great Friend , and if I come to Love and Serve, you must  follow my example.

Be kind and humble always with whoever you meet on the way today. I know you are not perfect , still making mistakes and sins, thus,  before  starting your day, ask the Holy Spirit inside your soul to help you in each of your sayings and actions. By living that way, you will not get lost and not  make mistakes or sins.

Dear child,

I know that you promised Me many times and you failed again and again. I know you are human. Do not worry about your failures. I do not count how many times you fall. What I need from you is to get up and try again. That 's your life' s marathon. At the end of the course you feel bone-tired. You can't run, jog  and walk because you feel very tired. With my help you will finish the course.


When the time comes, Our Father will call you Home. There is then nothing to worry about. You carried His Will on earth like in the “OUR FATHER”: “Thy Will be done”.


Dear Jesus, thank you so much for this beautiful lesson and your love for me.




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