December 16, 2022 Last address at the Temple

“ As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight and a New Day to love.


In the morning stillness,  I listened to the soft and loving voice of Jesus.


Dear Jesus,

Please tell me about Your Last Address at The Temple.



Remember The Last Supper was on Thursday before the Sabbath Day, and I was arrested that night in the Gethsemane Garden.

Two days before, in the afternoon of that Tuesday, accompanied by my eleven apostles,  other disciples and the Greeks , my followers, I arrived at the Temple  to deliver My Last Discourse. On that Tuesday afternoon, Judas Iscariot left and went to see Caiaphas to plot my arrest.

This was My Last Appeal to the Jewish people and to my destroyers: the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees and the chief rulers of Israel.

The Temple course was quiet. Remember the day before , I chased out of the Temple the money changers, the merchandisers and they dared not enter the Temple .

This was My Farewell Address of mercy to mankind:


“Days in and days out, for the last three years, in scorched sun  or cold and snowy damped days, I was up and down this Palestine land, preaching and proclaiming the Father’s love for the children of men. I did many wonderful works, cured the sick, the lamed walked, the blinds saw, the lepers cleansed. I raised people from the dead ...,  but all this proclamation of truth and curing of diseases, has not opened the eyes of those who are determined to reject the Gospel of the Kingdom and plot to destroy Me.

There will not be peace between light and darkness, between truth and error, and between life and death.


But now I appeal to you, it is not too late to accept the Gospel of the Kingdom and to become My Father’s sons and receive His Mercy .

My Father is slow to anger. He sent many prophets to wake  you up, and generation after generation, your ancestors killed them. Now your high priests and Israel rulers want to destroy Me.

If this nation and its perverse rulers reject My Father’s Mercy, this nation will spiral down to its destruction.

Now I give you a last chance to accept My Father’s Mercy and to receive the Good News, otherwise this gospel of the heavenly kingdom will be given to the other peoples.

Many of you, the Jews and the Samaritans and the gentiles  accepted My Word, but not your high priests and rulers.

Now my apostles stand in silence before you, but very soon you will hear these followers of mine  proclaim the Good News to you and urge you to accept the heavenly gift to become the children of God The Father, the true living God.

The sin of your rulers is that they preached the good things, but they do not practice them. They have oppressed you with rules, regulations, ceremonies and enslaved you by traditions. They crave the honored seats at the feasts  and want people to call them Rabbi and Masters.

Indeed you should honor your rulers and teachers, but do not call any man Father in the Spiritual Sense. There is only One Father that is yours, the Living God.

 He who would be the greatest among you should become the servant of all. Learn after Me because I am humble and gentle at heart.

Do not misunderstand my words, I bear no malice toward the chief priests and rulers, even if they want to destroy Me.


Woe upon you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites, you refuse to become the children of God and you shut the salvation’s door to other peoples.


Woe upon you, chief priests and rulers, you show no mercy, how could you receive mercy when you pass away?


Woe upon you, false teachers and blind guides. What people could expect  of a nation when the blind lead the blind? They shall both fall into the pit.


Woe upon you,  scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites, you  are scrupulous to clean the cups and the platters, but you are blind spiritually. Inside of you are filled with iniquity and murder.


Woe upon you, who refuses truth and mercy. Many of you are  like whited sepulchers, beautiful outwardly but within are full of dead bones. Your hearts are filled  with hypocrisy and iniquity.


Woe upon you,  You have built monuments for the martyred prophets and now you are plotting to destroy Me.


Woe upon you, children of evil. John the Baptist had truly called you the offspring of vipers.


Now, I offer you in My father’s name mercy and forgiveness, this accounting requires your answers when you meet My Father.


And now I take leave of you. You will see Me no more teaching in the Temple. My work for you is done.”


Dear Lord,

I am so impressed that even the scribes, Pharisees and Jewish rulers rejected your plea to accept the Good News of the heavenly kingdom, you still came back, pleading and giving them a last chance. So pitiful that they refused your call.

“Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, allows me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.



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