January 30, 2023 Except that a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies...

“As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight and a New Day to love.


In the morning stillness, I listened to the soft and loving voice of Jesus.



“Except that a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies…”.

"That was Tuesday afternoon of the Passover week. A group of gentile  believing Greeks from Alexandria, Athens and Rome searched for Me and was brought to Me by Philip and Andrew.

I told them :”My Father has sent Me to this world to reveal His loving kindness to all humankind, Jews and gentiles alike. But those I first came to , refused to believe in Me. True, you gentile Greeks believed in My Gospel, but the sons of Abraham and their leaders rejected Me. Truly , the leaders of my people deliberately blinded their eyes that they see not, and hardened their hearts, lest they believe and be saved?

He who believes this Gospel, does not only believe in Me but in Him who sent Me. When you look at Me you will see Him who sent Me




If you gentiles believe in Me, you shall receive the WORDS OF LIFE, will be free and become the children of God. I came not to judge the world, but to offer it salvation.

 Remember all of you, I speak not of myself, but I speak  to you what the Father commanded  Me to speak to the world: the WORDS OF DIVINE TRUTH, EVERLASTING MERCY AND ETERNAL LIFE.


 I declare to you the hour has come when My Name will be glorified.

You know well that except a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, if it dies into good soil, it springs up again to life and bears much fruit. He who selfishly loves his life is in danger of losing it, but he who is willing to lay down his life for  the sake of the Kingdom Gospel shall enjoy eternal life.


 After I have gone to the Father,  if you believe in Me, you will become my disciples. I am rejoiced to receive you  gentile Greeks, who come today inquiring about the way of light. Nevertheless my heart aches for my people.

I know that my hour is approaching, and that My Father’s Will be done.


At the end, all men shall be free by THE LIGHT OF THE SPIRIT which I shall  pour out upon you after I have ascended to My Father in heaven.

Only a little while I will be with you, only a little time this Living Light will be among this darkened world. Walk, while you have this Light on, so that the oncoming darkness and confusion may not overtake you. He who walks in darkness, knows not where he goes, but if you choose to walk in the Light, you shall become the free children of God."


Dear Jesus,

How much your heart was aching when you saw lots of the Jewish people rejecting your teaching before you went to the Father.

Anyway, I rejoice to see the believing gentile Greeks believed in you, and your Gospel was spreading into the world outside of Palestine, reaching the Far East into my country and my hometown.


“Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, allows me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.




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