January 8, 2023 Teaching at Jotapata

“As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight and a New Day to love.


In the morning stillness, I listened to the soft and loving voice of Jesus.


Dear Jesus,

Please tell me about your first teaching tour of Galilee , at Jotapata.

I do know that Jotapata is a fortified town  in Central Galilee, 2 miles from Cana, just 10 miles from Nazareth, it is not mentioned in any Gospel.




In my first teaching tour, I stopped first at Rimmon, a small city in Galilee, where I met Todan. He first heard the Gospel of the Kingdom. Later he carried the Gospel to Mesopotamia (the land “between the rivers”, in modern day Iraq, was home to the ancient Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians) .

   He was among the first to preach The Good News to the peoples who dwelt beyond the Euphrates.

I went on to Jotapata and there I taught my followers how to listen to the Good News.


I quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures :” I have called you and you refused to hear; I stretched out my hand, but you refused to shake it. Having rejected My way of life, you may seek me diligently in your times of suffering, trials and tribulations…”.


You who received mercy from My Father and Me, must show mercy. Judge not that you are not judged.

Who blocks his ears to the cry  of the poor, shall some day cry for help, and nobody will hear him. If you want to be heard, your prayer must be a sincere one. A loving  and wise Father  does not literally answer to the selfish  prayers of his immature children. When you have dedicated yourself to do the Father’s Will, all your requests will be answered.


Prayers must not be selfish or for gaining unfair advantage over one’s fellows.

Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him and He will act. For He hears the cry of the needy, and responds to the prayer of the destitute.


I have come forth from My Father.

So ask in My Name, and I will present your petition in accordance with your real needs and desires and in accordance  with My Father’s will


Avoid praying much for  yourself.

Pray for the spiritual growth of your brothers and sisters.

Pray for the gifts of the spirit.


When you pray for the sick and afflicted,

 do not forget to love and to minister to the necessities  of these afflicted ones.


Pray for the welfare of your family, friends, but especially for  those who curse you, or persecute you.


Many of you come to prayer only when you are in difficult situations of your life, or in trouble, but

speak to your Father as a child when all is well with your soul. Do not let anybody hear your personal petitions.


 There is only one form of prayer that makes your Father be happy : ”Thy Will Be Done”.


All of you should pray for the extension of the Kingdom of Heaven.


Of all the Hebrew Scriptures, I recommend to you this Psalm :” Create in me a clean heart, O God , and renew a right spirit within me. Purge me from secret sins and keep back your child from presumptuous transgression.”

“Keep a guard , O Lord, before my mouth, keep the  door of my lips".

I tell you the human tongue is a part of your body  few people can tame. Ask the Holy Spirit in you to transform that part into a kindly voice of tolerance and mercy.


Pray for divine guidance on your pathway of earthly  life to know the Father’s will. Ask for divine wisdom.


Pray in the spirit and in truth. Pray wholeheartedly, earnestly and steadfastly.

Prayer is a means leading you up to thanksgiving to true worship.


It is a good thing to give thanks to  your Father and sing songs to the Name of The Most High, to acknowledge his loving kindness every morning when you wake up and his faithfulness every night when you go to bed. In every thing give thanks.


Be not always overanxious about your common needs. Be not apprehensive concerning the problems of your earthly life. But in all things by prayer and  petition with the spirit of thanksgiving present your case before the Father.

 When you pray to the Father, you should remain for a time  in silent receptivity. Try to listen to his loving voice into your soul. The spirit of your Father speaks best  to a child when his human mind is in an attitude  of true worship.

Worship the Father makes you increasingly like the Being you worship, that is your Father. Then, the finite is you, will gradually approach and ultimately attain the presence of the Infinite that is your Father in heaven.


Dear Jesus,

Your teachings at Jotapata were so beautiful. Please help me to live the way you recommend.


“Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, allows me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.



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