Jan. 4, 2023 The sermon on a Sabbath day at Pella

·                "As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight and a New Day to love.


In the morning stillness, I listened to the soft and loving voice of Jesus.



Today,  I will tell you about



In the first century, the Perean city of Pella proved to be a place of refuge, when the Romans attacked Jerusalem. Christians of Jerusalem  fled to Pella when Rome besieged the capital, eventually destroying it and the temple in AD 70. I had foretold of this destruction. Some of my disciples were remarking about how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to God. But I said: "As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be on another, every one of them will be thrown down". LUKE 21:5-6.


It was springtime, on that Sabbath afternoon, multitudes numbered around three thousand, came to hear Me at Pella.


I taught them :"Trust and Spiritual Preparedness".

"Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy, although many of the Pharisees are honest and some of them here are my disciples.

At one time, all of you shall understand my teachings. Soon, all the things which our enemies now plan in secrecy and in darkness will be brought out into the light and be proclaimed from the housetops.


 But I tell you, do not be afraid of  them. Fear not those  who  may be able to kill the body. I advise you  to fear none, in heaven or on earth, but to rejoice in Him , The Father who has the power to free you from all misdeeds and sins.


"Are not two sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them exists without the knowledge of  The Father, the source of all life. The very hairs of your head are all numbered. If all of that is true, why should you live in fear of all the trials  and tribulations that come up in your daily life?

 I say to you: "Fear not, you are much more valuable than many sparrows".


"All of you who have had the courage to confess faith in My Gospel before men, I will defend you before the Father, but all of you who  shall knowingly deny the truth of my teachings before men, I shall deny you before Him.


And when your enemies bring you before  the rulers of the synagogues or high authorities, do not worry about what you shall answer them, for The Holy Spirit that dwells inside your soul will teach you in that hour how to respond.


I came into this world  to show The Father to you and to lead you to Him. Whoever  is willing to come to Me and to The Father, let him come and partake the Water of Life.


Dear Jesus,

Thanks for advising me not to fear anything that happens in this world, because whoever believes in the Gospel of the kingdom becomes the child of Our Father in Heaven. He is the Source of All Life, the Living Water and the Light of the World, who always  cares about us and loves us.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, allows me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.



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