March 25, 2023 What happened to the apostles after Jesus' arrest at the Gethsemane garden



When the Good Shepherd was arrested  at the Gethsemane Garden, all the sheep were scattered.


 Simon Peter and John Zebedee followed Jesus.

Simon Zelotes  and other apostles regrouped at the camp. He exhorted his fellow apostles and other disciples to hasten after the mob to save Jesus.

But Nathaniel told the group: Jesus often repeated  teachings of non resistance and Jesus that night asked them to preserve their lives for the time when they should go forth into the world proclaiming the gospel of the heavenly kingdom. Nathaniel reminded his fellows  what Jesus said: ”If I want to rescue myself, I could call down twelve legions of angels to destroy these men”.


Thomas instead persuaded them to scatter every man for himself.

Then Nathaniel, Matthew, Philip, and the Twins went into hiding at Bethphage and Bethany villages. Thomas, Andrew, James  and Simon Zelotes were hiding in the city of Jerusalem.


Until the very end of the crucifixion, John Zebedee remained with Jesus.

And how John Zebedee could remain with Jesus all the time?

Here what John himself did tell us. The captain of the Temple guards gave orders that Jesus should be taken to Caiaphas, but the Roman captain refused, said he should be taken to Annas’ palace.  Annas was the father-in-law of Caiaphas.

 Judas marched along the two captains, but they didn’t talk to him. They held him in such contempt.


The captain of the Temple guards seeing John Zebedee came up  alongside, told his assistant to bind him, said he was a Jesus‘s follower, but the Roman captain said: ”This man  is neither a traitor, nor a coward. He didn’t draw the sword to resist us. He had the courage to follow his Master to the court. No man can lay hands on him. According to Roman law, the prisoner may have at least one friend to stand with him at the court.”

Judas heard that, he was so ashamed, and dropped behind the mob, and came to Anna's palace alone.


At the end , the Roman captain turned Jesus to the  Temple captain at the gate of Annas’s palace and he told his assistant:” “Go along with the prisoner and prevent the Jews from killing him without Pilate's consent. Watch that they do not assassinate him and see that his friend, the Galilean, is permitted  to stand by the prisoner and observe all that goes on.

More than 2,000 years ago, the Roman Law was so fair and just, and the Roman captain was so well educated and civilized.

  On the way to Pilate’s palace, Jesus remained silent.


They kept Jesus for three hours at Pilate ‘s palace on Mount Olivet not far away from the Gethsemane garden. John Zebedee was safe at this palace, not only because of the word of the Roman captain, but Pilate’s servants knew John, and James his brother. They were many times  guests at the palace because Annas, the former high priest, was a distant relative  of their mother Salome.


  1. Replies
    1. Amen!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Enjoyed reading this. It reminds us we I too must stand as John stood with Jesus


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