March 27, 2023 What happened to Simon Peter after Jesus' arrest?



Jesus with his hands tied behind his back was brought by the mob, the Temple guards and the Roman soldiers, to Anna's palace. As they approached  the entrance of the palace, Judas dropped some distance behind. He left the band and went straight to Caiaphas’ palace, because he knew that the real trial would happen there.

John Zebedee marched by the side of the Roman captain. As he entered the court yard with Jesus, he saw Simon Peter at the entrance. He asked Anna's servant to let Simon Peter in. Remember that Anna’s servants knew John Zebedee, because John was a guest there several times, and Anna was a distant relative of Salome,  John ‘s mother.


Before his arrest, Jesus told John Zebedee to remain close to Him but recommended his other apostles to go into hiding to preserve their lives. We don’t know why Peter didn’t listen to Jesus’ s advice. That night was chilly, so after entering the courtyard, Peter went to the charcoal fire  to warm himself besides Anna's servants. He was so confused at that time, couldn’t comprehend, while His Master who was so powerful, did so many miracles, let himself bound by the mob.

Shortly after the portress who let Peter in, came to see him at the site of the charcoal fire and asked Peter :”Are you not also one of this prisoner’s disciples too?  I am sure you are a disciple of Jesus because John asked me to let you in, and my sister here saw you in the Temple with this man”. The girl’s question  threw him off balance, and he wanted to escape from that place. He replied :

”I am not. I am not this man’s follower. I don't even know him; I never knew him before”.

Another servant came up and asked him :”I did see you in the Garden  when they arrested Jesus”. And Peter vehemently denied all connection with his Master :

”I do not know this man, neither  am I one of his disciples”.

Peter left the fireside, but it was so cold, he walked back to the fire and one of the men standing by him said :”Surely  you are one of this man’s disciples".

And again Peter denied all connection with Jesus.

Just as he denied his Master the third time, the cock crowed and he remembered what Jesus did prophesy :”Before the cock crows, you denied me three times”.


As he stood there, heavy at  heart and crushed with the sense of guilt, the palace door opened and he saw the Temple guards led Jesus past, on the way to Caiaphas. By the lights of the torches, as Jesus passed Peter, Jesus saw the look of sorrow and hopelessness of his former brave apostle, once ambassador of the heavenly kingdom, and Jesus  turned his gaze upon him, a look of pity and love. As long as he lived, Peter never forgot that look.


Peter followed the mob  for a short distance, but couldn’t go farther. He sat down by the side of the road and wept bitterly.


He went back to the camp and found David Zebedee, brother of John and James Zebedee, who directed him to where his elder brother Andrew had gone to hide in Jerusalem.


The crowing of the cock reminds us that all that scene and Anna's palace was outside of the city of Jerusalem, since it was against the Roman law to have poultry inside the city. Once more, we see that more than 2,000 years ago, Roman society was so advanced. We have the same law now in the States.


Peter had failed his Master three times. He thought he would not be forgiven by Jesus until he met Him at the Resurrection. Having started out wrong, he turned around and went right. It requires a great and noble character to correct the wrong doing, that is why he was chosen by Jesus.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing with me!!
    God Bless You!!
    Pearlene Pratt

  2. Hi Ba,
    We shouldn’t let shame and guilt prevent us from coming to Jesus. He already knows all the things we did. Things we said or did intentionally or unintentionally hurt others. We just need to ask for God’s forgiveness and lay all our burden and worries at his feet.

    Matthew 11:28
    Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.



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