March 29, 2023 Jesus and the Second Sanhedrin Court Session

As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight and a New Day to love.


In the morning stillness, I came to Jesus and felt His Presence and Love.


Dear Jesus,

That Thursday night until dawn Friday, you suffered and it was a long and humiliated night for you. Please tell me what happened next.



The Jewish law required  another court session to be held the next day, if they wanted to pass the death sentence to Me.  That day of waiting, the judges were required to fast and mourn. But these Sanhedrists couldn’t wait another day. They were in a hurry  to put me to death. They waited only one hour instead of a day.


In the meantime they left me in the chamber at the mercy of the Temple guards and the palace servants. In that hour of humiliation, these ignorant and callous people beat Me , they mocked Me…I did not say a word, suffered in silence .

 I lived what I taught my apostles and disciples about NON RESISTANCE. That hour was the hour of my greatest victories in all my long and eventful career on earth .


At 5.30 AM that Friday morning, I was led into the adjoining room. The second session reassembled without Me, and took only half an hour. 


They had drawn up my indictment:

!.  I was a perverter of the Jewish nation

2. I incited the  Jewish people to refuse to pay tax to Caesar.

3. I proclaimed myself king and found a new kingdom, inciting treason to the emperor.


The entire procedure ended with the indictment being irregular and against the Jewish law, without the presence of the accused man,  and no defense lawyer…


I heard only the charges leading to the indictment only when Pilate recited the verdict formulated by the Sanhedrin Court.


After a whole night without any sleep and suffering beating, humiliation, they brought me before Pilate  at 6 AM .


Dear Jesus,

How pitiful you are , my dear Lord. That night was only the beginning of the route to Golgotha. I now feel just a tiny part of your suffering and sorrow to the route to Golgotha.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, allows me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.



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