March 31, 2023 Last words of comfort to John , the apostle

As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight and a New Day to love.


In the morning stillness , I come to Jesus and feel His Presence and Peace.


Dear Jesus,

At the end of THE  LAST  SUPPER, what did you say to John the apostle?



I went around the table and first to John, gave him words of comfort and advice. John rose to his feet, as I addressed him.

“The day I proclaimed Andrew as the chief of the group of twelve, he designated you, James and Peter as the three to be always with me wherever I went. You have been very close to Me.

I love you, all the twelve, with the same love as a Father to his beloved sons.

You are the youngest of all, but do not be dismayed about your young age. While I go to the Father, John , have full confidence that I will always watch over all of my sons  on earth.

And now the hour has come for Me to drink this last cup, please remain near Me, so that I may send any message for your brothers and Mary, My Mother on earth. Take care of Her as your own Mother. I have chosen you to do this job  because you are the youngest and will surely  outlive other apostles.

Once I called you and your brother James, I called you “sons of thunder”. Remember that time you were upset about the thoughtless unbelievers and wanted Me to call fire down from heaven to destroy them. You have changed a lot since that intolerant time.

You should be the apostle of the “NEW COMMANDMENT” I gave you this evening :“Love your brothers, not only as yourselves, but  as I love you, because by this act the world will recognize that you are my disciples.”

Dedicate your life  to teaching your brothers that new commandment.


As John stood there at the table of the Last Supper, tears  rolling down his cheeks, he looked into my face and said :”And so I will, My Master, but how can I learn to love my brothers more?”


“You will learn to love your brother more when you first learn to love more Your Father in heaven. You must be more interested in their welfare. Have sympathy, unselfish service and always forgiveness. Keep in mind that no man should despise your youth, but with age you will have more experiences and wisdom.

And bring My Word of Truth, Light and Peace along your way on earth.


Dear Jesus,

O, how so beautiful, comforting and heart-breaking your loving advice you gave to John the apostle. He remained with you to the last minute at the cross. He was called “The apostle Jesus loved”.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, allows me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.



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