April 18, 2023 The eleventh appearance of Jesus on that Sunday April the 16th.

“On that Saturday  after the Passover, Thomas was so depressed, felt abandoned, forlorn, left his fellow apostles and went to Simon’s house at Bethphage village, not far from Jerusalem. The next few days , he walked around in the hills  of Olivet, was found by his friends and they took him back to Elijah Mark’ s house.

His friends told him about the Master’s apparitions but he stubbornly did not believe them. He said :”I do not believe, unless I see the Master with my own eyes, and put my finger in the mark of the nails”.


After 6 PM as they sat at supper on that Sunday evening, while the  doors were shut and barred for fear of the Jews, Jesus appeared among them in front of Thomas.


“Peace be with you. Now you are all present, I appear to you again to give you the commission  to go into the world, to preach the Gospel of the heavenly kingdom. As the Father sent Me into the world, so I send you.

 Go and tell the world about the divine Father’s love, not only with your beautiful discourses , but by showing the examples of your own living lives.


 I will send you the Spirit of Truth, and when He has come upon you, you will have strength and courage, you will not hide your light  here  behind closed doors , but you will proclaim the love and mercy of God the Father to all mankind. Through fear you close the doors, but when the Spirit of Truth be with you,  you will joyfully and bravely tell the world the Good News of eternal life in the heavenly kingdom.


 Go and tell the world that you and all other men are the Sons of God. Love men and serve them as I have loved you and served you.


 Let your faith reveal  your light to the world, to open the eyes of the spiritually blind. With understanding sympathy and unselfish devotion, draw close to your fellow men and then lead them to the Father’s love.

 The Greeks talk about beauty, the Jews exalted about goodness, the Hindus recommend devotion, the Romans preach about loyalty, but I require of you a life of loving service for all mankind.”


Then He turns to Thomas :”And you, Thomas, you said you will not believe unless you see me in person and put your finger into the mark of the nails."

 Now all of you , hear my words. You see no nail marks in my body, since I am raised, and so when  you depart from this world, you shall have no deformities: the blind, the lamed, the sick... all will be made whole.

Thomas fell on his knees and said :”I believe, My Lord and my Master:”


Now , Thomas,  you have seen me and believe me. Blessed are those in the ages to come who will believe even though they have not seen with the eyes of the flesh and heard  with the mortal ears.”


Then He addressed to all :”Now all of you go to Galilee, where I will appear to you again. “

 After He said that, He vanished from their sight.


The apostles now fully convinced that their Master had risen from the dead, and very early  before dawn the next morning they started out for Galilee.


That was the Eleventh appearance of Jesus on that Sunday evening  April the 16th.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.




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