April 20, 2023 Jesus' 13th apparition, and this time at the lake.

“The apostles left Jerusalem on Monday April 17. Since the time the apostles were in hiding and left Jerusalem, there was no preaching, so the Sanhedrin and the Jewish rulers thought that the Gospel movement was crushed.

 Anyway, they did not know that on the way to Galilee, the apostles stopped at several occasions to tell their Master resurrection. So they reached Bethsaida late on Wednesday, April 19.


It is noted that Matthias was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot.


 When the apostles left Jerusalem, they didn’t know that they were followed by the little boy John Mark in a far distance behind. But when they had passed beyond Bethany,  John joined them, and became confident that they didn’t chase him back to Jerusalem.


The apostles went fishing at the lake late on that Thursday evening. They toiled all night but caught nothing, so early Friday morning they made up their mind to return to Bethsaida. When they were near shore, they saw someone  by the fire waiting for them. At first they thought that was John Mark, but the man was too tall for John. As they came nearer the man shouted :”Children, did you catch any fish.” They replied :”None”.


“Cast the net on the right side  of the boat”. They  did as ordered and the net was filled , so much that they had a hard time drawing it up to the boat. John Zebedee was much more alert and knew who was at the shore. He whispered to Simon Peter :”It’s the Lord”. Peter grabbed his clothes, jumped on the water and ran ashore first.


By that time John Mark arrived and he recognized  the Master, he rushed to Him and knelt at his feet :”My Lord, My Master”.

Jesus told them :”Bring your fish, prepare the breakfast. We have lots of bread”. They put some good fish on the charcoal fire, and counted 153 large fish.


Jesus asked John Mark to serve the fish to the ten apostles and blessed the bread, broke it and handed it to John who gave it to the apostles. And after the apostles were served, Jesus served the fish and bread to John Mark.


While eating, Jesus recounted to the apostles the many memories and experiences they had by the side of this lake.

Jesus remained with the ten and John Mark for a while , walked with them up and  down the beach.

It is noted that Simon Zelotes was not at this apparition. He, for some unknown reason, felt desperate and left their fellow apostles and went home. Jesus told them to bring him back to the group.


That was the third time Jesus appeared to the apostles as a group, and the 13th apparition, and at that lake side apparition, He did ask Simon Peter :”Do you love me” three times.

Jesus told him :" If you love Me take good care of my sheep. Watch and pray. Do not forsake the flock. Love the flock as I have loved you, and follow Me even to the end."

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.




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