April 22, 2023 Jesus' 15th apparition

“It was noted that the eleven apostles remained at Bethsaida for a while waiting for Jesus to appear again to them after the ordination. In the meantime the word of Jesus’ apparition was spreading in Galilee and people came to John and James Zebedee’s house in Bethsaida to inquire about these events.


Peter called a meeting  of the believers  at the lakeside  on the next Sabbath day in the afternoon.  There were gathered around five hundred believers and Peter declared to them :”We affirm to you that our Master, Jesus, has been risen. He is now alive and appeared to us many times”.

 While he was speaking Jesus appeared beside him and gave the blessing to the crowd: ”Peace be with you. My peace I give you.” He disappeared after the blessing.

This was the 15th Jesus’ apparition.


After that apparition , the apostles had the impression that their Master would like them to return to Jerusalem. So early the next day, on Sunday, April 30, they left Bethsaida, John and James and Philip ‘s hometown and returned to Jerusalem. On the way down the Jordan river they stopped at many occasions to proclaim Jesus’ resurrection.

To avoid being recognized by the Sanhedrin members and the Jews, they arrived at John Mark’s house late at night.

Suddenly Elijah Mark died  that night. The apostles mourned the loss of a great friend who provided shelter and food for them at the most perilous period of  the life of their Master and of their own.


Few days later they agreed to go public preaching , but they changed the topic of the Gospel of the kingdom, instead of preaching the son-ship with God and the brotherhood of mankind, they decided to preach Jesus’ resurrection. Nathaniel opposed that change to no avail.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.



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