April 24, 2023 Jesus' 17th apparition, this time at Jacob's well at the Sychar village to the Samaritans.

“Remember Jesus and his  apostles once stopped at  the Sychar village. That happened when on that evening the team after an exhausting journey walking under the scorched sun, Jesus was thirsty and tired. He sat down at the Jacob’s well and the apostles went to the village to buy food.

 A Samaritan lady named Nalda came and drew water. Jesus told her :”Give me a drink”. Nalda was so surprised and replied :”How come you are a Jew and ask me for a drink?”

 And Jesus said :”Lady, if you know I have the water of life, you would ask me to give you that water…”


So in the afternoon of that Sabbath Day, May 13 , near Jacob ‘s well at the Sychar village, the Samaritans believers of Jesus gathered there to discuss Jesus’ apparitions. There were Nalda and  around seventy five Jesus’ believers. While they were discussing, Jesus appeared in their midst.


“Peace be with you,

 Dear children, you must by faith born of the eternal spirit and then possess eternal life. Then you will recognize that My Father is also your Father. The Gospel of the heavenly teaches you that all men are Sons of God, and the Father in heaven loves all his earthly children.

The time has come for you to neither worship God in Jerusalem nor on mount Gerizim, but worship Him in  Spirit and in Truth.

When you accept that Gospel, you are the sons of God, and all of you are brothers, that ‘s the fatherhood of God  and the brotherhood of mankind. The Father asks you to love your brother and serve him as I have loved you and served you. Go into the world to tell this Gospel of the heavenly kingdom to all nations, all races. My Spirit will go with you  and be with you always."


These Samaritans were overjoyed and went spreading  Jesus’ apparition to them to the near-by villages and towns.

Dear Jesus,

You teach us to love our neighbors as you have loved us. Indeed God the Father has created us all  equal, but we are all different.  When we love our brothers, we need to accept their differences. You ask us to serve  our brothers as you served us,  and we have to serve them without asking anything in return, even a thank you. But when somebody does anything good for us, we need to say thanks, and forgive those who  do something wrong to us. If we act that way, we will have peace in our souls.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.





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