April 26, 2023 Jesus' 19th and last appearance on earth.

“This was Jesus’  fourth appearance and 19th and last appearance on earth. That was Thursday May 18 , while the eleven apostles were in the upper chamber of John Mark’s home,  about to take breakfast, He appeared to them.


“Peace be with you. It is now the last visit to you my dear children. The Spirit of Truth shall be with you and  will give you strength and power.

Simon Zelotes interrupted Jesus:”Master, now is your time to leave us, and then will you come back to restore the kingdom on earth?”

“Simon, you were with Me three years on the road, day in and day out didn’t I tell you and your fellow apostles that my kingdom was a spiritual and not a material one? But  when the Spirit of Truth comes He will give you guidance and you will go into the world preaching the Gospel of the heavenly kingdom. As the Father sent Me, so I send you. You need to love each other and trust each other.

" I am going to leave you, so when you go into the world, go two and two, trust  your fellow men , confide in one another. So you will not be lonely on the road.”


Thus spoken, he beckoned for his apostles to go with Him. He led the way to Mount Olivet and prepared His departure from earth to go to His Father.

Dear Jesus,

Today, we are in April 2023, less than 2,000 years  the day you left the apostles to go to your Father.

We are now your disciples  who believe in your Gospel and practice what you command. 

O, Spirit of Truth , please come upon us so we could receive strength and courage to spread the loving Gospel of Jesus , to proclaim the sonship of God and the brotherhood of mankind. Let us be always faithful to Jesus' command :"Love our brothers as He has loved us, serve your brothers as He has served us."

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.



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