June 27, 2023 Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the old Jacob's well

“As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a peaceful night, and a New Day to love, to forgive and to forget yesterday's troubles.
In the morning stillness, I felt Jesus' loving and peaceful presence.

 Dear Jesus,


This morning, I meditated on Nalda, the Samaritan woman You met at the old Jacob’s well.

That day after a long day of traveling with the apostles, in the sun and the desert wind blowing, in the evening You and the apostles stopped at the village of Sychar, in a land that Jacob's ancestors had given to his son Joseph, where there was Jacob's well. Hungry and thirsty, the apostles went to the village to buy food.
Then a Samaritan woman, named Nalda came to draw water. You told her:"Lady, give me a drink"
"It's strange, you're a Jew, asking me for a drink when I'm a Samaritan woman?"

"If you know God's gift, and 
He told you and asked  'Give me a drink,' you would ask that Person for the Living Water."

"Sir, you don't have a bucket to draw water from, and the well is deep, how do you get that living water?" Or are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us and our animals this well?"

“I tell you, whoever drinks from this well will still be thirsty. But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst again, for the water I give him will become a well of water that leads to eternal life."

"Then, Sir, give me that water, so that I don't have to come here to keep water."

"Go back and bring your husband here."

"Sir, I have no husband."

“Indeed, you are right.”

“You lived with five men, and the man you lives with now, is not your husband either.”
“Truly, You are a prophet.”


Do you and your friends think that I met Nalda at Jacob's well by accident on the way to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven? You forget Me, Who are Almighty and Perfect. I have arranged to meet with Nalda. Nalda was a lost sheep, I wanted to draw her back into My flock.
 So on the way from Judea to Galilee I stopped at Jacob's well and waited for Nalda to come to draw water. At this same Jacob's well, I broke the prejudice that the Jews despised the Samaritans. For My Father and Me, there is no distinction of race, and social class. My Father created all races, and all are brothers and sisters. You are to love one another. A country that goes against that truth cannot develop completely. I love all races, and that is the law My children must follow.

For Me, no one is an outsider, a stranger. I love you all with an unconditional love. I see your mind, no matter what it looks like on the outside, but if your mind is sincere and wants to seek the truth, I will come.
I broke the racial distinction and division between Me and Nalda by asking Nalda for a drink.
It's not just Nalda. I monitor the lives of each of My children, and at some point in time, I will intervene in the lives of My children, if necessary.



 Dear Jesus,
Almighty and Perfect God, You don't leave anyone when they need help, and even when they think they don't need You, You still comes to show them the right way. May You be with me every day, every hour, to guide me, so that I never get lost.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.





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