August 27, 2023 The true meaning of the cross

“As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight and a New Day to love.


In the morning stillness, I felt Jesus’ presence, love and peace.


Dear Jesus,

I often heard that your death on the cross was a sacrifice, a ransom to pay God a debt which mankind owes Him ?



Moses taught his people the dignity and justice of a Creator God, but when I came on earth I portrayed the Love and Mercy  of the Heavenly Father.


I did not die as a ransom for man. Mankind has a tendency toward evildoing, but sin is not transmitted from parents to children. Sin is the act of conscious and deliberate rebellion against the Father’s will.

When you wholly understand that God is a truly and loving Father, not God as an offended King, a stern and all powerful ruler whose chief delight is to detect faults of his subjects and punish them. The whole idea of ransom is incompatible with  what I taught about God. The infinite  love of God is not secondary to anything.


I am not a ransomer, but truly a Savior. I surely show the way of Salvation for all mankind.

I am the true shepherd for even the unworthy members of my flock.

When on the cross I showed my attitude toward sinners was not condemnation but rather salvation. I love mankind so much that I showed the way to righteousness rather than the way to justice. My divine love does not merely forgive wrongs, it absorbs and destroys them. Love destroys sin and all its weaknesses.


The real meaning and value of the cross consists that it was the supreme expression of my love and my mercy..


When I prayed: ”Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”, I made the cross an eternal triumph of love over hate, victory  of truth over evil.


I laid down my life in the service of mankind. Greater love no man can have than  this  to willingly lay down his life  for his friends,

 and myself  I had such  a love  that I was willing  to lay down  my life even for my enemies. That love is greater than any love which has been known  on earth.


Dear Jesus,

When I look upon You died on the cross, I will hardly again permit myself to complain at even the severest hardship of my life. Your life on earth was so glorious, and your death so triumphant, that we all just admire your love not only for your friends but also for your enemies who persecuted  You.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.




  1. Beautiful message! Praise be to our loving Heavenly Father who had sent Jesus to show us the way to back to Him. Jesus, please be our Lord and Savior and guide us through this earthly journey.

  2. We have such a loving & merciful God in Jesus! Because of His unconditional love & forgiveness, I will be ok no matter what happens in this life. God will carry me through it all to eternity with Him in Heaven one day…


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