September 21, 2023 How to keep your treasure, and the lesson of appreciation.

“As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight, and a New Day to love.


In the morning stillness, I felt Jesus’ presence, love and peace.



In the stillness of your soul, I come to you in love and in peace, because I am LOVE and I am the Prince of Peace.


Today I will talk with you about how to keep your treasure, and appreciate every circumstance you encounter in this life. In fact, that you are living in a falling and failing world, that doesn’t mean you need to hate it.


When on earth I did say :” Lay not your treasure on earth, where it can rot away, but lay up your treasure in heaven where neither corruption nor thieves can take your treasure”. MATTHEW 6:19-21, LUKE 2:32-34


On this earth, people count their treasures by how much they have money in the banks, how big their 401K, how big their houses, how luxury their cars…but the treasures in heaven are how much love you have for  God and for your neighbors.


 ”When I was hungry, you gave me food. When I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink, I was without clothes, you gave me something to wear. I was sick  and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.” MATTHEW 25:35-40


Appreciate life in all its aspects and circumstances.

If you are still working, say thank you to Father God for this job. If you are retired, thank God the Father for keeping you around and still have the energy and stamina to do even the menial jobs like dish washing or mopping the floor.


Appreciate your home, for giving you shelter by keeping it clean. Be satisfied  with this old house, when you look around and see so many homeless people, who do not have a bed or food to eat, and see how much God blesses you.


Appreciate your car, even if it is an old one, but that drove you here and there, day in and day out without any breakdown. Clean it , cherish it.


In life, there are always those who have more than you, and those who have less. Look both ways and feel happy.


But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.’ MATTHEW 6:33

First ask for a spiritual healing, and later on you will receive a physical, mental, and other healings. After all, find God-connection first.


Learn to appreciate the very life you are living now. Never give up or lose faith. You're losing faith is the dam that stops the flow  of spiritual blessings coming from the Father.


And most of all appreciate your wife or husband that goes through your whole life ups and downs.

 See the good in your partner always, not his or her misdeeds. Appreciate any tiny things each of you is doing to each other. And mostly find kind words to talk to each other.

Tell him or her that you love him or her today more than yesterday, and less than tomorrow,  and act likewise(Je t'aime aujourd'hui plus qu'hier, et moins que demain.)


Spend more time with your children. Appreciate their love. It doesn’t matter how much they are different from you, and their views are different from yours. That’s normal.


Children, appreciate your parents’ love and all the hard lives they go through to provide you food, shelter and all necessities for your life and most of all their love for you. Pray for your loved ones. Forgive your parents for being human, understand they did their best they could at their time.


Dear Jesus,

Thank you so much for this lesson of treasure keeping and appreciation.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.




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