September 25, 2023 There is always hope in every situation, no matter how dark and desperate the problem.

 “As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight, and a New Day to love.


In the morning stillness, I felt Jesus’ presence, love and peace.



As you progress and advance in age, there will be many challenges in the coming days. In all encounters with difficulties, separations, sorrows, place yourselves in God’s hands and allow His Spirit to work and strengthen and soothe you.


Rely completely on God for your physical , emotional, and spiritual  salvation.


Seek God and His Truth with a sincere heart and mind. Pray and meditate daily. As you pray for others and this world, you do it for Me. Remember apostle Matthew quoted My Word :

”As you do it unto one of  the least  of my people, you do it unto Me.”_MATTHEW 26:40

That means when you pray and seek good for other people and your loved ones, you are helping Me in My Work.


There is always hope in every situation, no matter how dark and desperate the problem.


God created each one of you as a different unit. You are not alike. So each one of you searches for God and His Truth in different ways. Each one of you is unique and individual. The connection to God is made when you are searching for God with a sincere heart and mind.

 Because you seek the Truth, the gate will be opened to you.

 I am always alive and real as the air you breathe. Be assured that life is eternal and how alive  you and your loved ones will always be. Your  fear of the coming events and your fear of death  will leave and dissipate.


Do not fear coming to The Father, for  He is only Goodness and Love.


Find your time every day to communicate with Him, do not allow anything  to deter you from seeking Him.


Dear Jesus,

Thank you so much for letting me know that life is eternal, and you are always at my side and inside of me, each time I encounter challenges in my life. It is very true that as I advance in age, life  will become more difficult.

You are my sunlight and my song, as long as you  are with me.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.




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