September 29, 2023 The importance of prayer.

 “As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight, and a New Day  to love.


In the morning stillness, I felt Jesus’ presence and love.



Today I will talk with you about the importance of prayer.

The very act of desiring closeness to God the Father is the best prayer. It is a blending self to the greatness and love of God the Father.  The chatter in your mind and heart is prayer.


Before you pray, eliminate all hurts, all critiques towards your neighbors and the world. Cleanse  from your inside out any feeling of envy, jealousy, anger, unforgivingness, prejudice. These feelings  deplete your energy in life.


When you pray, ask for love, healing, serenity in relationships.

Praying is talking to God in your own way, it ‘s better than repeating somebody else's prayer without making any act to understand what you are talking about.

Prayer is like a child coming home from a far away trip and sitting talking to his father or mother.

 Have your thoughts for others, not only for yourselves.

What you think or pray for others  becomes  your prayers for yourself first.


When you pray and meditate, you are advancing in spirit and truth. That is why you are on earth to learn and to love. When you seek God in your heart and mind, you will receive answers to your questions. But the more answers you receive, the more questions you have. The search for God and for Truth is eternal.


God is the air you breath, the water you drink each day, the love you receive from high above. God is ALL for you. Without Him you will lose everything even though you can have all material things in this world.


Prayer is of the utmost importance for your life. Meditate on God-Truths, God-Essences and God-Goodness.


Dear Jesus,

Thank you so much for this lesson about prayer. Please help me to cleanse my mind and heart about all negative feelings about my neighbors and the world.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.




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