November 24, 2023 Love lesson, Mother Mary taught me this morning.

“As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight, and a New Day to love.


In the morning stillness, I felt Mary’s presence, love and peace.



I am Mary, Jesus’ Mother and your Mother. Today I will teach you how to Live in Love and Learn in Love.

Sometimes you feel that I am far away from you. That’s not true. Our Father, Jesus, and I are always near you. Each of us calls you by name. See how much we do love you.

Be assured that we are aware of each of you. Our Father created you in love. Love is the essence of this universe. God’s Love was used to create and sustain it. So try to connect yourself to God-Essence and God-Mind that is all God’s Love.


See the world you live in with love and in love, the divine love Our Father gave you. You have that Divine Love in your soul. Allow that Divine Love to change your life and the lives of others who meet you on the road’s home to the Father’s house.


First Love yourself.

Forgive yourself of all mistakes, faults and sins. If you cannot forgive yourself, you are your own worst enemy. Forgive your past and your present.


Forgive and love your enemies.

 By “enemies’", I mean all those who want to harm you, those who misuse your trust, your love. Bless those who try to harm you. You disarm your enemies when you pray for them.


You can clear all emotional garbage when you forgive yourself and your enemies. Now you are free on the road’s home. No more heavy luggage on your shoulders.


Learn this lesson of forgiveness I gave you this morning, and practice it in your daily life.


 Your inner life must be in order, and mostly be in Peace, so you will be able to hear the Silent Voice of Our Father who gives you directions.


Dear child,

Come to Me, when sadness or sorrow comes. I will pick you up and hold you in my arms like a babe. I will wipe out your tears.

I want you to be happy as Our Father wants each of his children to live in happiness and in peace.

Whenever you are still on this treacherous road to the Father ‘s home, you will encounter difficulties, hurts, and sadness. Allow God’s wisdom, God’s love and My Love to embrace you all the way.

Through my prayers, I love you with all my heart.


Dear Mary Mother

O, how beautiful and heart-warming your love lesson you taught me this morning.

I do not feel alone and forlorn any more, when on the road I have Our Father, Jesus and you always with me.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.



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