November 28, 2023 The true purpose of life.

 “As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight, and a New Day to love.


In the morning stillness, I felt Jesus’ presence, love and peace.



Even with all your imagination and mind you could never understand the grandeur, the wonder of God the Father who is the Creator of all that is seen and unseen in these universes. He is more wonderful, caring, loving as you thought.


I will tell you the great gifts He gave you:


First: The Gift of ETERNAL LIFE.

As I told you: ”Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect”. With a very short lifetime on earth you could never achieve that goal. This earth you are living now is a great school. You come here to learn to better yourself, you came here so many lifetimes to achieve your goal: “To be perfect as your Father in heaven”.

You are here on earth to learn and practice what you did not achieve in the previous lives. This earth is simply a schoolhouse.

The circumstances you encounter on earth are the products of your attitudes, thoughts, words and beliefs. They are the paths you chose.

So everyone of you has so many lifetimes on earth. Death is only a return to real life. It’s a homecoming. Nobody can escape that. Death is not to be feared, it’s only but a normal part of life.

Once more I tell you, there is no DEATH as the end of life. Life is eternal.


Second: The Gift of CHOICE.

You are created in the image of your Father, and you have the FREEDOM OF CHOICE, without that freedom you are a slave or a robot.

With that freedom, comes your responsibilities for your actions resulting from your choices.


Who is GOD?

God is your Father. He is All Love and All Goodness. He loves you dearly with a love that is all encompassing and healing.

God does not judge you or punish you.

You are here in this earth-school to learn to love by forgiving yourself, and then others. He loves you as you are with unconditional love.

God is not only your life. He is also the life that is in the trees, minerals, animals...God is love and energy, so that energy and love are in all things and creatures you encounter. I am the Sunshine, the  Energy Love that embraces all my creatures. 


Your true purpose on earth is: 

”Love the Lord God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, and love your neighbor as yourself”. (MATTHEW 22:37-39, MARK 12:30-31 , LUKE 10:27).


Some people have difficulty loving themselves, as a result they cannot love others. To love yourself is not selfish. It is to live your life with kindness and compassion. When you love yourself, you will be kinder, more compassionate and you will be more patient. Selfishness is the act of thinking only of yourself, for yourself, and not for others. Selfish love is to acquire everything for you, and you only. 


What does total surrender to God the Father mean?

If you ask the Father to set up all events and circumstances of your life, then it becomes His Life and His choices, not yours.

But when you totally  surrender  to Him your life and your choices, you are asking Him to help you learn your lessons quickly and to grow spiritually.


You are what you think. If you think negatively, in terms of bad, evil…this thinking will bring you bad and evil circumstances.

Watch your words, because out of your mouth comes your lifestyle.



Remember that nothing happens without your choices and your planning.

With the help of your heavenly counselors, you chose everything before you came here. These things are  your nationality,  your culture, your gender, your parents, your family, your friends, your financial circumstances… how healthy you are, how rich or poor you will be to fit your goal in mind. These situations will help you to learn the lessons of this lifetime on earth. If you chose a very loving family to enter, then you learn to be accepting and gentle with yourself. If you chose to enter an unloving family, then you want to learn to overcome it with love and patience. So do not fight against your choices in life. Take what you have and learn to grow spiritually. As you change, the circumstances of your life will change. As you grow spiritually, you outgrow some old thought patterns and rise to a new spiritual level.


Always keep your connection with God the Father.

 He loves you as you are his only child in this universe. When events in your life seem overpowering, and sickness or separation comes, remember that this life is only a learning experience, these events shall pass, and the Love of your Father is always constant and everlasting.

Dear Jesus,

O, how beautiful and heart-warming the lesson you gave me today.  Please help me to outgrow my shortcomings and weaknesses, so I could grow spiritually each day to become a better soul as you desire me to be.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.



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