November 30, 2023 How to meditate, and always be thankful.

 ‘As always, I say thanks to Jesus for a goodnight, and a New Day to love.


In the morning stillness, I felt Jesus’ presence, love and peace.



I urge you to set up a communication line with God the Father. Keep this line opened. He is waiting for you to come to talk with Him and listen to Him.

Become still in the closet of your soul, and use this stillness to communicate  with your Father’s Mind.

The best time for meditation is the early morning, after a resting night and that is the time the world is still at a very slow pace, not emitting much vibrations.

God the Father gave you dominion over every  area of your life. So visualize all the good  you desire  in your life  and mostly with your spiritual life.

At times of meditation, have a firm desire and intention of becoming ONE with the Father’s Mind.

Bring all your life to Him, pray, ask questions, and mostly quiet your mind to listen to his silent voice.  The answer will come when you least expect it.


There is power in you, placed there by your God the Father. 

Use it for a good cause. Your Father said :”I will make man in my image and  likeness”. Genesis 1:26

It is your ability  to use  God’ creative energy to heal, to bless anyone around you. That’s amazing. You do not use that God’s power giving you because you do not know it. That is the Creative energy emanating from your Father. Use it or you lose it, my dear child.


A second most important thing I remind you today is Living Your Day With Gratitude. Be diligent in giving gratitude  to God the Father.

Be grateful for every small thing. Beginning your day  with a small prayer of gratitude :”Dear Father, thank you for this day you gave me, I will use it for the good of  my dear ones, of my friends, and of all who come to me this day”.

 When you dress, be grateful  for your clothes you wear, for the ability you can dress yourself without any help.

You cannot be sad, when you are aware of all the “Good” the Father gave you.

Listen to Luke repeating My Words:

 Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” LUKE 12:32


Dear Jesus,

Thank you for reminding me how to communicate with My Father, and to be grateful for everything He gave me, even the most menial things of my daily life like dressing  for the day.

"Dear Jesus, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, please help me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.



  1. Hi Ba,

    Yes, Jesus wants us to have a relationship with Him. Let Jesus leads us each day so that we are walking in his plans and we are fulfilling the destiny he has for us.


    "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.”
    Psalm 103:1-5


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