April 30, 2024 Dear Mother, How to live today, the day God the Father gives me?


Dear Mother,

How to live today, the day God the Father gives me?


Let love, unconditional love be the basis of all your thoughts, your sayings, and all your deeds. Love as God the Father loves you unconditionally and eternally.

Today choose to live immersed and embraced in His Love, and your day will be filled with love, joy, and peace, Divine Peace.

Today be gentle with yourself, with your loved ones, and with all who come into your life.

Accept yourself as unique and anybody you encounter today is also unique. If you think that way, you can accept the differences.

Today be at peace with your past.

Know that every event that came to you in the past gave you a lesson and a blessing.

 Even the most dreadful and painful event makes you grow spiritually (you become more patient, more loving, more forgiving, more understanding...and you let go easily).

 You come here in this worldly realm to learn. Everything that comes to you today is only a lesson. This is the School earth, learn as much as you can.

Today is a day of prayer and meditation.

Make your schedule, so you can pray for half an hour and meditate for half an hour. By that way you can make connections with God the Father and He can give you guidance. Open your heart and mind to listen to His silent voice. Make yourself as ONE with Him, so He can transfer to you His Wisdom, Knowledge, Love and Peace. Seek His help not only in times of distress, but also share your joy in times of happiness. Because He is All Love and All Understanding, He can accept you as you are now. Confide in Him every thought, desire, and your most secret thoughts.

Today leave off self-judgments and the judging of others.

If there are things in the past you are not done, dear child accept them, learn from your experiences.

Today, clear away all depleting emotions: anxiety, fear, greed, jealousy, pride, selfishness, anger, resentment…

Today forgive anyone who has harmed or wronged you in any way.

Live in loving forgiveness. Remember to forgive because God the Father loves you and forgives you.

Today be an ambassador of love.

Be a channel of love so God the Father can pour in you His Love and you can transfer that love to everyone you encounter on your path. When you become an envoy of love, first you love yourself unselfishly, then you will love others unconditionally as your Father in heaven loves you.

Today change yourself from the inside out.

Don’t be so concerned with your outer life. Take good care of your inside and your outer life will change by itself. You will be happy and cheerful, you will be at peace in your heart and mind.

O, dear Mother Mary, so beautiful your advice. Please help me to live today and you command.

Dear God the Father, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, allows me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.”



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