August 30, 2024 Be careful about what you think. You are what you think. Your thoughts are followed by actions. Ban from your...



Be careful about what you think. You are what you think. Your thoughts are followed by actions. Ban from your mind all fear, anxiety, selfishness, anger, hatred, unforgiveness, and ungratfulness…

If you are fearful of something bad to happen into your life, say:

NO, NO, I no longer think I have this condition to come to me. God the Father protects me  and is with me all the time. God is my Shield and Staff.”

Suppose you are worried about a loved one who is ill in body. Say in your mind:

He or she is healing beautifully now”.

Remove all depleting emotions. Upon realizing that you are feeling fear, anxiety or anger, say: “NO, NO! I no longer want to feel this way. I want to remove these emotions from my heart”.

Be gentle to yourself and to others. Wellness of mind and heart is how love will heal.

Pray to change your wandering thoughts:”Dear Father, help me discipline my every thought and clean my heart and mind of all depleting emotions.

Be cheerful and think of Joy, Goodness, Contentment, Love, and Peace. This is what you have to learn and to practice daily. This will improve not only your life, but also the lives of your loved ones.

Say to yourself:”From this day forth, I choose to feel kind, appreciative, joyful, and loving”. Try to change for the better every day. It’s a gift from God to choose what to think and how to feel. Choose to forgive, to be kind, to love, to be at peace with yourself, and with others

Remember that God the Father loves you as you are now, while you are on the road to perfection.

He loves you because He Is Love.

Dear God the Father, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, allows me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.”



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