September 16. 2024 Today, I will talk about God the Father’ s Love that cleanses body and soul.



Today, I will talk about God the Father’ s Love that cleanses body and soul.

God the Father’s Love for you is more powerful and greater than you can comprehend.

That love is surrounding you every moment of your life.

Trials and tribulations are always in your way on the road to the Father’s Home.

When doubt, dismay, or despair come, remember that you are truly loved 

and protected, not only by God the Father, Myself, but with all the gentle spirits 

who are your Brothers in spirit in Heaven.

Every effort on your part to correct any deficiency in your life is supported by lots of spirits up high… You are not alone in your struggle.

They are your guardian angels, and your Brothers in spirit. These gentle spirits are not judging you or your actions. Their best interest is to help you advance in spirit. They surround you with Divine Love, which will heal all things in your life.

That Divine Love is healing you physically, mentally, and spiritually. It will help you to eliminate all old angers, hatred, hurt feelings, and fears. Many times you enter this life with mental problems from past lives. These can and will be healed as you progress spiritually. Please allow God the Father Spirit to enter your entire being, and as long as you desire to know Him more and Love Him more, and to know yourself more and more, your mental attitude will change for the better.

As I said , your goal and mission on earth is “To be perfect as your Father

 in Heaven is Perfect”.

With time your beliefs will change for the better. You will work mentally with God the Father’s help to improve not only your life but also your world.

You will know that God will be your stronghold and your refuge. You will be stronger emotionally and the trials and tribulations of the world will not affect you much as before.

People in the past could upset you, will not affect you much now. You will be strong emotionally, and will remain calm and not panic as others around you do. God will be your foundation, you will have no fear, no matter what is happening.

As you grow spiritually, you will be able to help your loved ones, your friends 

grow at the same time. You will be a focal point for God the Father to work 

through you.

Dear God the Father, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, allows me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.”



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