September 9, 2024 Look at yourself with honesty and you will see who you are, my dear child.


2000 years ago, I gave to my apostles and disciples the parable of the Prodigal son or the lost son.

That parable teaches you so many things.

The son asked his father for his share and went far away to have fun with his friends. As long as he had money, he had friends. But when all his money was spent, they all left him. Sitting in a pigsty eating food that had been thrown to the pigs, he began to think of his father’s home. He repented, went back to his father’s home, was accepted as a son, not as a servant…” LUKE 15:11-32

Be careful, my dear child. Indeed there are good friends in your life, but not too many. Your friends may leave you as in this parable of the prodigal son. Do not look at your friends for your self-worth.

To try to have a good time with your money and friends is a waste of time and energy.

The best time for you is the time in communication with your Father in heaven. By yourself you are nothing.

You are worth much because of your Father who created you, not because of your money, your luxury home, luxury car, the honor given to you by this society. Your value is in the inner recesses of your soul. See yourself clearly in truth. You are of value because your talents are given to you by God the Father. Without God you are nothing.

The home you dwell in, the car you drive, the clothes you wear do not make you self-worth. God looks deep into your heart and mind. Look at yourself with honesty and you will see who you are, my dear child.

Learn after Me, because I am humble in heart, I am meek and lowly. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life…

Always have gratitude for all the good things and talents the Father gave you.

Gratitude must be sincere and heartfelt. Gratitude will open the door so your Father will grant you more heavenly gifts, like wisdom, peace…

When the prodigal came home, he was not accepted as his father’s servant, but as the heir of the family. Same to you, when you repented of your misdeeds and sins, you are embraced by your Father in heaven.

Appreciate yourself as a creation of God. Thank Him for all He provides you, materially, and spiritually.

Trust and pray. Eat and pray, sleep and pray. Pray for yourself, your family, your friends, your society, and the whole world.

Now you are the prodigal son who has returned to the Father’s home and you are welcomed with open arms.

Dear God the Father, let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, allows me to listen to You and practice what you command. Knowing me, to change my way into your righteous one, to have Heaven right in my heart and let You be with me forever.”




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