October 16, 2024 Look back at my life, to meditate, to live more closely with God the Father.


Dear Jesus,

About 3 years ago, I had an urge, until one day, I understood that urge was to look back at my life. And You taught me to meditate, to live more closely with God the Father.

A friend of mine, every time we talked on the phone, often said:

" Dear friend, it's already dark, let's have fun, go traveling. I go all over Vietnam, from the South to the North, all the way to Dien Bien Phu, into General De Castries' bunker, through Laos, through Thailand, I'll go everywhere."

I replied:

"Congratulations, you get to go, have fun as you wish, I don't blame you. Each person has a different life, and no one is the same. I can't be like you because of many family reasons, but I travel, not every year for a few weeks or a few months, but I travel every day into the spiritual world. My tour guides are usually Jesus, sometimes the Virgin Mary, sometimes the Spiritual Brothers in the Holy Spirit. They let me know that besides the material world outside where we live, there is an extremely beautiful and mysterious world that needs to be explored, that is the spiritual world. They lead me into the depths of my soul.”

Dear Master,

For three years You have led me with Your Unconditional Love, without scolding me, showing me what I misunderstood before. What I thought was good and beautiful for me, in fact, did not come from me, it was a gift from the Father in Heaven who loves me so much, and most importantly, You have shown me my mistakes and shortcomings so that I can correct them.

In the past years, I went to church, listened to the priest's homilies, but I did not understand anything about Christianity. I thought that God was too high up, my mind could not reach Him. God was far away from me back then. Thinking of Him, I was very afraid of the Final Judgment Day before a God of punishment.

Over the past 3 years, You have been my tour guide, leading me into the mysterious world of God's Love, so now I can clearly see the Love of the Father in heaven, can understand that my Father created me with His own Love and Image, and placed in my heart the seeds of love, and told me to sow them on the earthly path while walking, so that the seeds will grow, one day becoming huge trees for birds to make nests, and any passerby tired of this earthly life, will stop and rest…

How can I say all the things You have taught me in the past 3 years as my tour guide. You have shown me an Almighty, All-Good God, in Whom there is not the slightest bit of evil. A brother-in-law of mine often says, God is Great Good and Big Evil at the same time. This is so wrong. Evil comes from humans who have too much greed, anger, ignorance, hate... Evil does not come from God.

You taught me to write down what You taught after meditation and send it to my friends via Blog. The blog carries Your love letters through the winds of the internet to all directions, to my brothers and sisters everywhere, to places where I have friends like USA, Canada, France, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Vietnam, Australia, and places where I have never had friends like The Netherlands, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Tajikistan, or Russia, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Malta, New Zealand, Finland, Czechia…

In 3 years, I have sent about 1,100 love letters from You to my friends, people I know and people I have never met.

Please give thousands of blessings of body and soul to those brothers and sisters. They, like me, long for God’s love when living in this miserable sinful world. Looking back, I thank You for illuminating my spiritual path, allowing me to live more truthfully, more calmly, more lovingly, and more forgivingly.

But my path is hazardous and long, because as You said the final destination is: "Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect".

Dear Jesus,

Please let me know You, and let me know myself. Knowing You, allows me to listen to Your Word, and practice what You command. Knowing myself, to change my path to Your righteous one, so that I have Heaven in my heart, and You are with me forever.

Please grant body and soul blessings to those who read this meditation in my BLOG." Amen.


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