March 5, 2025. Each day , remember what I have told you: “Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly, and leave the rest in the loving
You are living in a very treacherous worldly realm. Recently too much terrible news bombarded your mind. These images have a powerful effect to distract you from Me. News of war, sickness, destruction, disasters, and evil make you feel worried and afraid.
I want you to pray for peace, peace in the world, in the souls and minds of the people of this universe, and mostly peace in your own soul.
You need to understand that there are many things you cannot change.
Worrying about things you cannot change and control just steals your energy and makes you sad and depressed.
Think about Me instead. I am with you and I am always by your side.
In my perfect timing I will turn all Wrongs into Right things.
Remember I am Omnipotent and All Good, my dear child.
Each day , remember what I have told you:
“Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly, and leave the rest in the loving palms of My hands.”
I am guiding you in the way of wisdom and leading you to do what is right.
My Word in the Bible is filled with wisdom to guide you through treacherous waters. So study it every day and you will be close to Me.
There is nothing you face that My Word cannot help you to get out unscathed and unharmed.
Look for the path I showed you. I do not tell you that the path is always easy, but if you walk beside Me, you have nothing to be anxious or afraid of. If you looked back at where you already traveled, you see that I have been with you every step on the way. I have protected you and moved so many troubles out of your way.
My dear little child:
“Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” PSALM 37:3-4
Dear Jesus,
Let me know You and let me know myself. Know You to listen to Your Word and practice it in my daily life. Know myself to change my path into Your righteous one, to have Heaven in my heart, and You will be always with me.
Please bless the body and soul of all people who read this meditation in my BLOG.
Always enjoy reading and studying your meditations.
ReplyDeleteThanks you.
Pearlene Pratt