March 8, 2025. I have come to live in your heart forever. Indeed I am the Vine and you are one of my branches. I am inside you and teach you...


No matter what ’s happening in your life, you can still be joyful in Me, because I am your First Love.

Joy and thankfulness go together. Count the numerous blessings I bestow on you and your loved ones, and you will be thankful and joyful.

The more you thank Me, the more I pour blessings on you. My Love for you will never let you down. A grateful heart will only make your  joy grow bigger.

I love to hear you sing, come to Me with loving and joyful songs.

Remember always that I live in you. That’s the truth. That truth makes your life  better. I move into the heart and soul of each of my followers who love Me. Listen to My Word and practice them in your daily life.

I refuse to enter the hearts of the ones who are thinking that they do not need Me, that they are sufficient, that they are good enough without Me.

I have come to live in your heart forever. Indeed I am the Vine and you are one of my branches. I am inside you and teach you to be better everyday, to get rid of any hatred, jealousy, anxiety, fear, arrogance, selfishness,... and become a gentleman, gentle of heart, and of mind, in everything you think, speak, and act.

 I teach you how to love.

Saint Paul quotes:
“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud” 1 Corinthians 13:4

Love is patient. Patience is the fourth fruit in Paul’s list of the  fruits of the Spirit. Patience helps you to stay calm in terrible events. I know that you are afraid to pray for patience when adversities come into your life, making you go through even harder times, making you suffer more.

Dear child,

Life on earth is so treacherous, you cannot escape trials and tribulations. Suffering has an important purpose in My kingdom. When you overcome treacherous events with My help, you grow up and be stronger spiritually.

You are never alone, my dear child. Trust that I am always with you.

Dear Jesus,

Let me know You and let me know myself. Know You to listen to Your Word and practice it in my daily life. Know myself to change my path into Your righteous one, to have Heaven in my heart, and  You will  be always with me.

 Please bless the body and soul of all people who read this meditation in my BLOG.



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